It is not just about the hot flushes and mood swings!

It's OK to talkWednesday 12 February 2025
12.30pm to 2pm
Seminar Room 6, Gateway Building


    • Professor Kristina Potočnik, University of Edinburgh.

This joint event with the the University of St Andrews Business School Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will include a seminar and networking lunch.

Professor Kristina Potočnik, Personal Chair of Organisational Behaviour at the University of Edinburgh Business School, will speak on the seminar topic, ‘It is not just about the hot flushes and mood swings! Exploring the role of employee agentic behaviours and support from employers and colleagues in managing menopause transition in the workplace’.

All welcome. Please reply to the invitation circulated to members or email Business School Research Admin on [email protected] and include a note of any dietary requirements.

Health, ageing and work: challenges and paradoxes of hiding in plain sight

Wednesday 20 November 2024
11.30am to 1pm
Seminar Room 1, School of Medicine


  • Professor Wendy Loretto, University of Edinburgh.

This joint event with the the University of St Andrews Business School Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will include a seminar, networking lunch and pre-booked one-to-one meetings.

Professor Wendy Loretto, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and former Dean of University of Edinburgh Business School, will speak on the seminar topic, ‘Health, ageing and work: challenges and paradoxes of hiding in plain sight’.

All welcome. Please reply to the invitation circulated to members or email Business School Research Admin on [email protected] and include a note of any dietary requirements.

Early career researchers who would like to discuss career progression with Professor Loretto in an after-lunch session may book a meeting with her by contacting [email protected].

Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

All you need is equitable workplaces: addressing economic and power disparities to promote well-being at work

Gateway Building with May flowers in frontTuesday 21 May 2024
1pm to 2:30pm
Lecture Room 2, Gateway Building


  • Dr Silvia Filippi, University of Padova.

This joint event with the the University of St Andrews Business School Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group and its EDI committee will include a networking lunch at 1pm followed by a seminar at 1:30pm.

The session will consider:

  • workers’ well-being in organisations that have a large gap in pay between top managers and other workers
  • harm to women and men caused by inequalities at work
  • workers’ well-being and performance in organisations where power is decentralised.

All welcome.
Please email [email protected] to register your attendance, and for catering purposes include a note of any dietary requirements you may have.

Decolonial approaches to knowledge production and pedagogy

a group of graduates from the University of St Andrews in national dress on the pier following Graduation

Thursday 2 May 2024
11am – 2pm Lecture Room 2, Gateway Building


  • Dr Rashné Limki, University of Edinburgh Business School.

This joint event with the the University of St Andrews Business School Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group and its EDI committee will include two workshops and a networking lunch.

The morning session, titled ‘Decolonial approaches to knowledge production’, will explore the meaning of coloniality and its implication in the production and presentation of knowledge. The aim will be to lay the foundation for developing decolonial praxis.

In the afternoon, ‘Decolonial approaches to pedagogy’ will consider practices that can facilitate rethinking pedagogy from a decolonial perspective.

Please email [email protected] for further information.

Academic publishing; Leadership, the bottom line, performance and pro-environmental behaviour

close-up of hands of person using laptopFriday 9 February 2024
11am – 1.30pm
Lecture Room 2, The Gateway


  • Professor Shuang Ren, Queen’s University, Belfast.

This joint event with the the University of St Andrews Business School Department of Management’s Work, Organisations and Society thematic research group will include two talks and lunch.

11am to 12noon
Professor Ren will share tips on publishing in high-ranking journals and what it is like being an editor, based on her extensive editorial experience for BJM, JOOP, and other journals.
Q&A warmly welcomed: bring your burning questions on academic publishing along!

12pm to 12.30pm

12.30pm to 1.30pm
Research talk: The Influence of competitive action intensity on team performance via leader bottom-line mentality? a social information processing perspective

All welcome.
Lunch will be served. Please email [email protected] to register your attendance for catering purposes and note any dietary requirements you may have.

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

“I just want to live my life, I don’t want to make this my identity.” On the ambivalences of chronic illness as invisible diversity

'Be Kind' written on the sand at the West Sands, St AndrewsThursday 16 November 2023
12pm – 1pm
Boardroon, Gateway Building


  • Alexander Fleischmann and Alyson Meister, IMD Lausanne, Switzerland.

Chronic illness is an often-overlooked dimension of diversity. It can enter one’s life at any point in time and many people struggle to reconcile their professional identity with their chronically ill body/mind. This is further complicated by the often-invisible nature of chronic illness.

This talk will give first insights into an ongoing qualitative empirical study on how individuals navigate chronic illnesses in the context of work. The emerging topics include:

  • a desire to ‘pass as normal’, which can often only be fulfilled when not in an ‘illness crisis mode’
  • seeing the chronic illness as a ‘second full time job’
  • the stress involved in ‘coming out’ towards supervisors and colleagues.

The presentation will highlight the fluid and ever-changing face of chronic illness. It will also reflect on the barriers that the chronic illness imposes physically and mentally, as well as the barriers that appear in workplaces and with colleagues that are not prepared to accommodate for invisible diversities and conditions that change over time.

All welcome.
Lunch will be served. Please email [email protected] to register your attendance for catering purposes and note any dietary requirements you may have.

Prejudice levels in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic

handful of face coverings in many coloursWednesday 9 June 2021
12pm – 1pm


The presentation will share the findings from a survey conducted in August 2020, which was patterned after the Prejudice Barometer 2018 carried out by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). Using the EHRC measures meant that the researchers, all from the University of St Andrews School of Management,  could benchmark and broadly assess changes in prejudiced attitudes before and during the pandemic.

The study examined the prejudiced attitudes of respondents in relation to their worries about the virus. It considered economic factors that might affect their endorsement of prejudiced attitudes, such as their income, job security and inequality of pay in their workplace (i.e., pay ratio).

The research focussed on prejudiced attitudes toward people with protected characteristics, and also toward three groups particularly affected by the pandemic:
• people of low socio-economic status
• people with a mental health condition
• obese people.

By looking at different forms of prejudice, the study builds a picture that reveals challenges while it highlights opportunities for policy measures that can improve the situation for people who are targets of prejudiced attitudes.

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash

The harmful effects of high CEO pay and high intraorganisational pay inequality on employees’ workplace perceptions and experiences

ten pennies and two £20 notesWednesday 26 May 2021
2pm – 3:15pm


This seminar will be presented by colleagues from the University of St Andrews School of Management. Their talk will discuss research that uses data from Scotland and the USA, and provides evidence that pay inequality, both perceived and actual, has harmful effects for employees. The analysis shows that high CEO pay and high pay inequality are linked to the following for employees:

• perceptions of their employer as less caring and competent
• lower engagement
• lower trust
• feelings of not being treated fairly, valued, or respected at work
• heightened perception of prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment at work
• lower wellbeing.

The study demonstrates that these effects are partly or fully explained by a perceived culture of competition within the organisation, marked by heightened social comparison and a focus on performance over learning and ethics.

The presentation will consider reasons that organisations may struggle to foster a culture conducive to engagement, inclusion and wellbeing. The researchers will acknowledge the limitations of the current research, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for future study.

This CREDI event has been organised jointly with the School of Management’s series of brown bag research seminars. The series aims to provide opportunities to showcase ongoing research and offer a regular space for colleagues across the School to come together and open up research conversations across the thematic groups and research centres.

How to have difficult conversations about race: in the context of decolonising the curriculum

University of St Andrews School of Management taught postgrads seated in a seminarPanel members:

  • Dr Foluke Adebisi,
    University of Bristol Law School
  • Dr Jason Arday,
    Durham University
  • Dr Khadija Mohammed,
    University of the West of Scotland

Thursday 18 March 2021
12 noon – 2pm

Guest expert panelists will answer questions about decolonisation of the curriculum with respect to race and practical steps the University of St Andrews can take to embed inclusive and decolonial practice.

The panelists welcome relevant questions in advance. To submit a question, please email [email protected] by Monday 22 February 2021.

This webinar is open to all staff and students. The event is free to attend. However, please use the Eventbrite link below to register attendance.

Join ‘How to have difficult conversations about race…’ online

Tackling belief-related harrassment

lights shining in St Salvator's chapel, University of St Andrews, with a hazy view of Archbishop Cushley giving mass in the backgroundProfessor Paul Weller,
Coventry University

Wednesday 17 March 2021
1pm – 2pm

Professor Paul Weller will present this seminar entitled “Uncovering and tackling religion- or belief-related harassment: lessons from an office for students’ research and intervention project”.

The presentation will discuss a Coventry University project led by Professor Weller, ‘Tackling religion-based hate crime on the multi-faith campus’.

The project aimed to:

• better support students in understanding what religion-based hate crime is and encourage them to report and receive support
• strengthen the existing reporting and case management mechanism to ensure it addresses religion-based hate crime affecting students
• provide an exemplar for the HE sector via partnership with, and knowledge sharing through, national organisations working on HE equality policy (ECU) and with Church of England chaplains.