The Centre for Research in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (CREDI), is a research centre based in the University of St Andrews School of Management. CREDI grew from a research network that started in 2017.

CREDI serves as an intellectual and organisational home for individuals and groups across the University whose research focuses on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) issues. It provides a context in which ED&I related research can take place, and in which synergies and collaborations can be developed.

Dr Boyka Bratanova and Professor Ruth Woodfield are CREDI’s co-directors.

Jasmin Hinds is CREDI’s associate director.


Within CREDI, researchers can communicate and collaborate on cross-disciplinary, fundamental and applied research on ED&I, including working together on funding bids.

CREDI provides evidence-based advice on ED&I issues and best practice interventions, and can help to disseminate ED&I research to practitioners.


CREDI runs seminars and networking events to share research and stimulate debate on current issues from menopause and the workplace to equitable online teaching.

© 2021 The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532