Prejudice levels in Scotland during the COVID-19 pandemic

handful of face coverings in many coloursWednesday 9 June 2021
12pm – 1pm


The presentation will share the findings from a survey conducted in August 2020, which was patterned after the Prejudice Barometer 2018 carried out by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). Using the EHRC measures meant that the researchers, all from the University of St Andrews School of Management,  could benchmark and broadly assess changes in prejudiced attitudes before and during the pandemic.

The study examined the prejudiced attitudes of respondents in relation to their worries about the virus. It considered economic factors that might affect their endorsement of prejudiced attitudes, such as their income, job security and inequality of pay in their workplace (i.e., pay ratio).

The research focussed on prejudiced attitudes toward people with protected characteristics, and also toward three groups particularly affected by the pandemic:
• people of low socio-economic status
• people with a mental health condition
• obese people.

By looking at different forms of prejudice, the study builds a picture that reveals challenges while it highlights opportunities for policy measures that can improve the situation for people who are targets of prejudiced attitudes.

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash

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